30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

The Ignite Shop upholds the highest standard of quality for each of our products. We guarantee that the quality of all our merchandise will meet or exceed expectations. Every effort is made to ensure your merchandise is shipped in perfect condition. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return any item in its original condition within 30 days of receipt and we will gladly provide a refund, replacement, or an exchange.

To return or exchange an item, please follow these instructions: 

You will need to obtain a Return Ticket ID or Free Return label before sending your returned item back to The ignite shop. Please contact us by email at Support@theigniteshopusa.com receive the return instructions.

Please email Support@theigniteshopusa.com your order number and the request for a refund. We will then email you Return Ticket ID with the return label and shipping instructions.


After we receive the returned item, it takes between 1 or 2 days to complete the return process. A refund or customer credit (for exchanges) will be issued within 1 to 2 business days. All refunds will be issued in the original form of payment. Please allow one monthly billing cycle for the credit to appear on your credit card statement.

The item MUST be received at The ignite shop WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS from the date of receipt of the order from The ignite shop. Any items received after (thirty) 30 days from the shipment date will not be accepted for refund. Each item must be returned in the same condition as it was sent, unworn and undamaged. Items that have been worn and damaged due to client negligence cannot be returned.

Our team will inspect and verify the condition of the item once we receive the return.

If you have any questions about our exchange or return policies, please contact a Customer Service Representative at Support@theigniteshopusa.com